Proposal of procurement at different factories.

A customers were procuring separate cable assembly company at the Chin factory and Thailand factory. When it was difficult to purchase a connector, etc., the delivery time was delayed frequently, which was a problem.
Investigate cause
The Chin factory was purchased from Company “A” by bonded, and the Thai factory was purchased by importing company “B” from Japan.
Complicated exchanges information between the personnel in charge of purchase materials at China and Thailand factories and Japan.It took a lot of people’s time, making it hard to manage delivery dates.
Proposal from TAIYO
Taiyo Cabletec proposed local production for local consumption, and we proposed that the purchase from Company “A” and Company “B” be consolidated into TAIYO, and the issue was resolved.
Taiyo delivers locally manufactured products from its factories in China and Thailand.
Short delivery days and business in local currencies have solved the problems of exchange risk, inventory reduction, and quick delivery times through centralized management.
If you have any problems with overseas procurement, please contact TAIYO!